Saturday, April 17, 2010

Disney World Signage & That Pesky Television Test Pattern

It was very interesting to see how the two visual problems were solved in each article. Both designs needed to be functional over all, but the Disney World Signage allowed for  more artistic freedom. Where as the t.v. test pattern was designed mainly for function not to be appealing. After reading the t.v. test pattern article I realized that I have never gave much though to that pattern. I had seen the pattern on few rare occasions but just thought of it as an old design. Thought that there was no function to it. It makes me wonder if other people, especially the older ones that were in the time of the pattern really knew its function. After reading the article it is pretty amazing that the design could be used for so many different calibrations.
As for the Disney World signage I was a little lost until I saw the picture of the road sign. I have never been to Disney World so I was not quite sure what it was talking about. Looking at what they were designing at first I thought It would be simple and did not understand what was so hard about it. After thinking about it and finishing the article, I realized just how difficult it would be, especially when designing it for a big corporation like Disney. When you realize all the information that needs to be presented in the design and yet how it still needs to be simple and functional you realize how challenging designing the signage is. I personally feel the signs could have portrayed “Disney” more, to the me the signs resemble the regular boring normal road signs.

Both designs had something iconic about them. The Disney World signage incorporated Mickey Mouse, the icon and Disney. While the t.v. test pattern in its self became an icon. “...who anonymously designed it could never have predicted that, decades later, it would become a nostalgic icon.”.

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